Apollo Magazine

Art Outlook: 20 March

The plight of Pompeii, mega-yachts in Venice, and other news, comments and stories from around the web

Some of the stories, debates and discussions we’ve spotted this week

Off the Wall

Thieves have prised part of a fresco depicting Artemis with Apollo off a wall in Pompeii. Only recently another collapsed after heavy rains. The ancient site was preserved under Vesuvius’s deadly ash in 79AD. If steps aren’t taken soon to secure it, there’s a real risk that more of it will go to dust…

Museums on the Metro

Dubai is transforming four of its metro stations into public galleries. We reported recently on India’s art-filled airport in Mumbai. Are we witnessing a new trend – the cultural commute?

Selling the Marbles

Cash-strapped Greece is considering the privatisation of a number of historic sites to bring in some much needed revenue. But is it short-sighted to sell its cultural assets?

Peggy Guggenheim

Seven of Peggy Guggenheim’s ancestors are suing the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation for failing to respect the collector’s wishes, ignoring the conditions of her donation, and even desecrating her grave.

Goldsmiths seek Architects

Goldsmiths in London wants to turn its two empty water tanks into a gallery space, and has launched a competition, judged by David Chipperfield, to find the right person for the job.

Out damned yacht! Cruise ships back in Venice

Last year’s ruling banning mega yachts and cruise ships from Venice’s historic waters has been overturned until viable alternative routes can be found. William Morris would not approve…

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