Tom Hardwick is a British Egyptologist who writes about Egyptian sculpture, the history of collecting and the forging of ancient Egyptian art.

Miniature canopic coffin from the tomb of Tutankhamun

Grave matters – tussling over Tutankhamun

When the pharaoh’s tomb was discovered 100 years ago, the fate of its contents became a political minefield. Unpublished British papers reveal for the first time what was really at stake

24 Oct 2022
Sandstone ram-headed sphinxes (reign of Ramesses II; c. 1250 BC), from the first court in the Temple of Karnak in modern Luxor. Four of these sphinxes have now been taken to Cairo (photo: January 2020). Photo: © Ivar Sviestins

Why is the Egyptian government moving ancient monuments around the country?

The transfer of obelixes and sphinxes to Cairo is the latest episode in a long history of rulers using the ancient past for their own ends

29 Feb 2020
The Egyptian Antiques Seller, (1884), Charles Wilda.

The Victorian collectors who loved art from ancient Egypt

The reunited fragments of a bowl in Bolton Museum can tell us a lot about the longstanding British enthusiasm for ancient Egypt

25 Jan 2020