Apollo Magazine

Book competition

Your chance to win ‘Genre Paintings in the Mauritshuis’, edited by Maud Lankester and Yvette Bruijnen

This week’s competition prize is Genre Paintings in the Mauritshuis, edited by Maud Lankester and Yvette Bruijnen (Mauritshuis/Waanders Publishers). Click here for your chance to win.

The Mauritshuis has conducted extensive art historical and technical research into its collection of Dutch and Flemish genre paintings in recent years. The ensuing discoveries and insights have been incorporated into the new English-language catalogue, Genre Paintings in the Mauritshuis. This lavishly illustrated book can be considered as a new standard reference work on Dutch and Flemish genre painting. It is the third in the museum’s series of academic collection catalogues. The world-renowned collection of the Mauritshuis comprises more than a hundred Dutch and Flemish genre pieces, with masterpieces by specialists such as Jan Steen, Frans van Mieris, Gerard ter Borch, Clara Peeters, Adriaen van Ostade, Gabriël Metsu, Gerrit Dou and David Teniers.

For your chance to win simply answer the following question and submit your details here before midday on 12 May.

Q: Which 17th-century Flemish still-life painter was the subject of the Prado’s first ever exhibition devoted to a woman artist last year?

For our last competition we offered Stanley Spencer: Looking to Heaven, edited by John Spencer (Unicorn Press). The question was:

What is the name of the village where Stanley Spencer was born and spent most of his life?

A: Cookham.

Congratulations to the winner, Fiona Stanier

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