Apollo Magazine

Book competition

Your chance to win ’Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting’ (Yale University Press)

This week’s competition prize is Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting, edited by Adriaan E. Waiboer with Arthur K. Wheeler, Jr and Blaise Ducos, published by Yale University Press. Click here for your chance to win.

Genre Painting of the Dutch Golden Age ranks among the pinnacles of Western European art. This virtuosity was achieved in part thanks to a vibrant rivalry among first-rate artists working in different cities. They drew inspiration from each other’s work, and then tried to surpass it in technical prowess and aesthetic appeal. Johannes Vermeer is now the most renowned of these painters of everyday life.

With 180 illustrations, Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting highlights the relationships – comparative and competitive – among Vermeer and his contemporaries, including Gerrit Dou, Gerard ter Borch, Jan Steen, Pieter de Hooch, Gabriel Metsu, and Frans van Mieris.

For your chance to win simply answer the following question and submit your details here before midday on 23 June.

Q: In which Dutch city was Vermeer born?

Last week’s competition prize was Enlightened Princesses: Caroline, Augusta, Charlotte, and the Shaping of the Modern World by Joanna Marschner with David Bindman and Lisa L. Ford (eds.). The question was:

Q: Which famous botanical garden in London did Princess Augusta found in 1759?

A: Kew Gardens

Congratulations to the winner, Alexandre Demidoff

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