Apollo Magazine

Climb Away

Donald Judd sculptures are off limits, but here are some exhibits that people have been allowed to climb on...

Art Installation at Southbank Centre’s Festival of the World Photo: Jim Linwood

The sight of a Donald Judd sculpture doubling up as a climbing frame for a toddler has caused a stir today, but the Tate Modern isn’t always against a spot of clambering… Here are some exhibitions and installations that have positively encouraged people to get on board.

The Endless Stair

A highlight of the London Design Festival, Alex de Rijke’s tulipwood steps outside the Tate Modern last September had visitors scaling the installation for a good view

Robert Morris: Bodyspacemotionthings

This fully interactive exhibition (22 May–14 June 2009) was a re-creation of a controversial show at Tate from 1971. The original exhibition closed after just four days because of the ‘over enthusiastic response of the audience.’

Photo: James Smith www.thisistomorrow.info

Carsten Höller’s ‘Test Site’

Höller turned the Turbine Hall into a playground in 2006, installing a set of high, twisting slides and encouraging visitors to stop looking and take the plunge (10 October 2006–15 April 2007)

Photo: David Olivari

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