Apollo Magazine

Forest Curriculum

Curatorial collective, Bangkok/Yogyakarta/Manila/ Seoul/Berlin/Santa Barbara 

Forest Curriculum

web-lead_40U40_202213 Photo: Jessika Khazrik and Robert Seig

Curatorial collective, Bangkok/Yogyakarta/Manila/Seoul/Berlin/Santa Barbara 

Forest Curriculum, a nomadic platform set up in 2018, considers how the cultures of the ancient belt of forest that connects South and South East Asia, historically home to a number of indigenous communities that exist beyond the reach of nation states, might inform and inspire what the collective describes as a kind of ‘indisciplinary research and mutual co-learning’ across broader Asia and beyond. Co-founded by directors Abijhan Toto and Pujita Guha, and now including Rosalia Namsai Engchuan, Dennis Dizon, bela, Hutsama Juntaratana, Zeke Sales and others, the activities of the collective include artist-led workshops, exhibitions and publications. A hallmark of their projects is that they manage to be at once intensely local and international; their upcoming project ‘Hosting Lands’ (2023–25), for instance, explores the connections between issues of sovereignty and land rights in Korea, South East Asia, India, Puerto Rico and Scandinavia.

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Dennis Dizon

Hutsama Juntaratana

Zeke Sales

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