Apollo Magazine

Inside Out Shorts

A series of short films commissioned by the Barbican and completed during lockdown is now available online

Inside Out Shorts: True Sound Façade (detail of film still; 2020), Laura Nasir Tamara. Courtesy Barbican

While some museums are closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Apollo’s usual weekly pick of exhibitions will include shows at institutions that are currently open as well as digital projects providing virtual access to art and culture.

Since 2018 the Barbican has collaborated with The Smalls, a video-creation platform, on an annual commission for a series of short films. The 2020 edition, ‘Inside Out’, was interrupted by the onset of the pandemic, but four of the six commissioned directors continued to work on their projects in lockdown, and last month the completed films were made available on the Barbican’s website. Each addresses the question of how we express our internal lives: the films include Laura Nasir Tamara’s True Sound Façade, which combines dance and animation to explore the relationship between the ways we present ourselves online and in the physical world, and Natasha Mwansa’s love story, Damian. Watch the films and read interviews with the four directors on the Barbican’s website.

Preview below | View Apollo’s Art Diary here

Inside Out Shorts: Damian (film still; 2020), Natasha Mwansa. Courtesy Barbican

Inside Out Shorts: Every Dark Wave (film still; 2020), Lexi Kiddo. Courtesy Barbican

Inside Out Shorts: Like a Fish Out of Water (film still; 2020), Roxy Rezvany. Courtesy Barbican

Inside Out Shorts: True Sound Façade (film still; 2020), Laura Nasir Tamara. Courtesy Barbican

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