· The Apollo Awards 2017 · Cherries in art · Lucian Freud’s debt to the Flemish Old Masters · The artists who kept their work a secret
PLUS: Marketing the Old Masters, the future of small galleries, Scythians, Basquiat and much more
Museum of West African Art | Jeremy Frey | Ed Ruscha
Napoleon Bonaparte | Caspar David Friedrich | the Impressionists
The National Gallery | Alvaro Barrington | Art and the oil industry
Immersive art | Keith Haring | Venice Biennale
Most paintings of the Virgin Mary show her holding the divine infant, but a 14th-century panel by Cenni di Francesco reminds us of more earthy realities
The museum’s head of framing, Peter Schade, is quietly changing how we see some of the world’s most famous pictures
The story of Kazimir Malevich and Vladimir Tatlin’s competing artistic outlooks is told with verve in Sjeng Scheijen’s new book
Edward C. Moore played a crucial role in the firm’s 19th-century success and his own collecting inspired some of its most impressive creations.