Apollo Magazine

Journées internationales du Film sur l’art

The 14th edition of the Louvre’s annual film festival, opening on 22 January, will be available to stream at home

La Tentation du réel, l'Agneau mystique des frères Van Eyck (detail of film still; 2019), dir. by Jérôme Laffont and Joachim Thôme.

La Tentation du réel, l'Agneau mystique des frères Van Eyck (detail of film still; 2019), dir. by Jérôme Laffont and Joachim Thôme. © Les Productions du Verger/ Supermouche Productions

While some museums are closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Apollo’s usual weekly pick of exhibitions will include shows at institutions that are currently open as well as digital projects providing virtual access to art and culture.

The Louvre’s annual film festival, which explores the relationship between cinema and other arts, is moving online this year (22–31 January). The 14th edition of Journées internationales du Film sur l’art (JIFA) is curated by Alain Jaubert, who has since 1988 written and directed the Palettes series of films about visual art. Palettes films on Gericault’s Raft of Medusa (2002) and Hokusai’s Great Wave (1999) will be screened on 23 January, while the programme opens with a new work by Jaubert, based on an unrealised film project of Michel Foucault’s, exploring the 58 variations Picasso painted of Velázquez’s Las Meninas. Other highlights include films on Merce Cunningham, Jan van Eyck, and Jaume Plensa; the films will be broadcast live and available to stream for 10 days after the screenings. Find out more from the Louvre’s website.

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Las Meninas (1656), Diego Velázquez. Photo: Museo Nacional del Prado, Dist. RMN-GP/Prado

Still from Cunningham (2019), dir. by Alla Kovgan. © Sophie Dulac distribution

Poster for Jaume Plensa. Can you hear me? (2020), dir. by Pedro Ballesteros. © Plensa Studio Barcelona

Still from La Tentation du réel, l’Agneau mystique des frères Van Eyck (2019), dir. by Jérôme Laffont and Joachim Thôme.

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