Apollo Magazine

Pick of the fair: Ben Brown Fine Arts

TEFAF Maastricht 2017 | Ori Gersht meticulously recreated a Fantin-Latour, flash froze it and then blew it up, in order to capture a moment of destruction

Blow Up, Untitled 19 (detail) (2007), Ori Gersht. Ben Brown Fine Arts, around $55,000

Blow Up, Untitled 19 (detail; 2007), Ori Gersht. Ben Brown Fine Arts, around $55,000

New highlights every day from TEFAF Maastricht

Blow Up, Untitled 19
(2007), Ori Gersht

This Israeli artist offers the ultimate deconstruction of the traditional flower piece and still life. Here his team meticulously recreated a Fantin-Latour, flash froze it with liquid nitrogen and blew it up, the moment of destruction captured by high-speed cameras. The result is a terrible beauty. This violence – an underlying theme of Gersht’s work – is too fast for the eye to comprehend. Technology is not recording reality or truth but creating it.

Blow Up, Untitled 19 (2007), Ori Gersht. Ben Brown Fine Arts, around $55,000

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