Apollo Magazine

Public art goes prehistoric in London

A pop-up monument to commemorate 25 years since the release of Jurassic Park has appeared in London – and yes, it’s terrifying

Raptor rapture: Jeff Goldblum reclines near Tower Bridge. John Phillips/Getty Images

Introducing Rakewell, Apollo’s wandering eye on the art world. Look out for regular posts taking a rakish perspective on art and museum stories.

It is 25 years since the release of Stephen Spielberg’s film adaptation of Jurassic Park, and the dinophiles of London have decided to mark the anniversary in appropriately scary style. The tribute consists of a colossal sculpture of actor Jeff Goldblum, who made his name as the movie’s laconic anti-hero Dr Ian Malcolm.

Depicting Malcolm/Goldblum in the reclining pose he so memorably adopted after being attacked by a dinosaur, the likeness is some 25 feet long and weighs close to 150kg. Indeed, the pop-up monument might be enough to scare off even Jurassic Park’s most fearsome prehistoric inhabitants.

Its appearance in London, however, has prompted almost as many questions as the disappearance of the dinosaurs.

Got a story for Rakewell? Get in touch at rakewell@apollomag.com or via @Rakewelltweets.

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