Apollo Magazine

Rachel Maclean: Mimi

The Scottish artist has built a derelict toyshop, home to a cartoon princess, in the woods of Jupiter Artland outside Edinburgh

Installation view of ‘Rachel Maclean: Mimi’ at Jupiter Artland, 2021.

Installation view of ‘Rachel Maclean: Mimi’ at Jupiter Artland, 2021. Photo: Amelia Claudia; courtesy Jupiter Artland

A new commission at Jupiter Artland outside Edinburgh, upside mimi ᴉɯᴉɯ uʍop (or Mimi for short) is Rachel Maclean’s most ambitious work to date. The Scottish artist has built a derelict toyshop deep in the woods of the sculpture park, in which visitors are introduced – through a combination of animation and sculpture – to the upside-world of a cartoon princess called Mimi. The permanent installation goes on public view from 8 May, along with an indoor exhibition of four key works by Maclean – including Spite Your Face, first shown at the Venice Biennale in 2017 – that runs until 18 July. Find out more from Jupiter Artland’s website.

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Spite Your Face (video still; 2017), Rachel Maclean

Installation view of ‘Rachel Maclean: Mimi’ at Jupiter Artland, 2021. Photo: Lisa Ferguson; courtesy Jupiter Artland

upside mimi ɯᴉɯ uʍop (animation still; 2021), Rachel Maclean. Courtesy the artist and Jupiter Artland

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