Apollo Magazine

The Frieze London Snooze-fest

Two tents full of art, celebrities, napping VIPs and champagne are not enough to tempt the literary man of the moment, Marlon James, to Frieze

Introducing Rakewell, Apollo’s wandering eye on the art world. Follow @Rakewelltweets

As is his wont, the Rake has been enjoying the events taking place in London this week. One hesitates to describe Frieze London as a snooze, but it seems some people took rather too much advantage of the beds laid out for guests in need of a pause. Just 20 minutes after the fair opened its doors yesterday, one visitor crawled under a duvet and nodded off.

At the Frieze Masters party, Rakewell was forced to zigzag down the aisles in order to avoid collision with catering staff ferrying trays of champagne specifically earmarked for the great and the good. Thirsty mortals attempting to snatch the refreshments for themselves were politely rebuffed by the hard-pressed waiters, in some cases responding in a less than dignified manner when instructed to wait in line for drinks.

The fairs in Regent’s Park have been the talk of the town, but not everyone has been quite so impressed. After hearing that Marlon James had won this year’s Man Booker Prize with his novel A Brief History of Seven Killings, the Rake stopped by the author’s after party to congratulate him on his success. Would he be celebrating his triumph with a visit to Frieze? ‘No’. Literary autograph hunters are thus advised to search him out elsewhere.

Got a story for Rakewell? Email rakewell@apollomag.com.

Frieze Fatigue… Photograph by Lewis Ronald. Courtesy of Lewis Ronald/Frieze.

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